Neural Machine Translation
by Ángel Casas .
Artificial intelligence has seen a rise in popularity, over the past few years, due to the development of new architectures and increased availability of data.
It is my intent to begin a series of posts describing some of the biggest achievements of machine learning algorithms with the help of some famous examples.
This posts are the work of a machine learning student with the strong intention and risk of entering the A.I. field. Being this my own subjective experience in the field mistakes are assured. So, in an attempt to learn from my mistakes it is my wish, for anyone who can comment about my posts, to point out this flaws or simply to give further information or personal thoughts.
I apologize in advanced for the lengthy introduction and, while keeping this in mind, lets get started.
Great Pioneers
Ada Lovelace and Alan Turing
Two great minds of the 19-20th Century both were incredible mathematicians and presented the bases of Computer Science and programmable machines. They both produced the very first algorithms to be used by machines setting a milestone in the development of programmable machines. When I first learned about them I was blown away by the precision and clear understanding they had about algorithms and coding knowledge into a machine.
Alan Turing famously proposed what was later to be called as a Universal Turing machine, meaning a machine capable of working on one task but with the capacity to change its programming to work on a wide range of tasks(Theoretically any task which can be done by a human using pen and paper).
I recommend reading The Essential Turing to have a clear understanding of his ideas for those of you who also love Artificial Intelligence.
In my next post I will continue to go deeper into the history of Machine Learning before moving on to some excellent projects from our recent days.
-Participation and ideas to expand this series of posts are welcomed and greatly appreciated -
PS, The image presents a Simulation of our universe showing galaxy formation and is one of the biggest and most precise representations of the formation of our universe. I would love to talk about this incredible almost organic structure formation at some point in the future.
Work in Progress.
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